Lousy Google Earth imagery

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Post by simonov »

Today I was looking at the Mt Baldy area in Google Earth and I noticed they are using new imagery, from 2009 if the copyright date means anything. It's really terrible imagery for the mountains because the source photos were taken in the late afternoon and the east-facing slopes are hidden in dark shadow.

It's nice to see Google Earth using updated imagery, but mountainous areas, at least, need to be photographed in the middle of the day to be of much use.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Agreed. Shadows = fail.

However, I think you can set the "way back machine* factor" so that you can use older versions of the photos. I kind of like it since it gives me a range of photos for a given area.


*Look for a clock icon that says "Time Slider"
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

I haven't played around with it too much but I think Microsoft's equivalent software has some good resolution.
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