South fork Big Rock Creek to Islip Saddle 6-24-09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Bill »

I am sorry there are no pictures for this one (my camera took a dump) :?
Left Wrightwood around 6:30 with my 14 y/o son Ben, my faithful dog (Violet), and friend Terry. A car shuttle was required on this one so my lovely wife Kim agreed without too much arm twisting. :shock: We arrived at Islip and dropped off my truck around 7:15 and did'nt arrive at Big Rock creek CG until around 8:00. The car shuttle being the toughest part of the trip, as it turned out. :lol: The trail from this location gives you choices.
1. You can head west and head to the Devils Punch bowl.
2. You can walk up the road and head east and join the Manzanita trail up to Vincent Gap.
But we chose a 3rd option, and headed south on the Big Rock trail up to Islip saddle. With a friendly wave and a cloud of dust muttering something about Starbucks, my wife was off and so were we.
The trail starts at the creek and you soon rise high above the creek which provides excellent views of the canyon below and the mountains above 8) There are a couple of steep drops which provided an extra thrill, as we followed a reletively good trail, although a little rocky.
This is actually a pre-plan hike of the Vincent Gap/Bigrock Creek/Islip Saddle/Baden Powell/Vincent Gap loop hike I had planned to do in May, but am now planning for July 6-8. Needed to see if water caching will be necessary etc.
Anyhow, I must report that Reed Spring is flowing great (a couple of decent pools), if anyone is interested. (Matt I believe, had reported that it is a little tempermental) Violet the wonderdog took full advantage of the cool water, and actually there were a couple of springs along the way! Reed spring and one about a 1/4 mile north of it(just a trickle, but you could use it in a pinch).
We arrived at Islip saddle at 11:30 so about 2 -1/2 hrs, 5.8 miles or so and I didn't have my GPS so I'm not sure on the elevation gain.
I promise there will be many pictures of the upcoming Vincent Gap Loop hike. :?
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Bill wrote:This is actually a pre-plan hike of the Vincent Gap/Bigrock Creek/Islip Saddle/Baden Powell/Vincent Gap loop hike I had planned to do in May, but am now planning for July 6-8. Needed to see if water caching will be necessary etc.

I promise there will be many pictures of the upcoming Vincent Gap Loop hike. :?
Looking forward to your TR... :)
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