Mt. Harwood, Mt. Baldy & West Baldy - 6/27/2009

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by drhabes »

Despite not having a hiking partner (Andrew stayed up too late packing his mom's car on her journey to Colorado), I decided to give Mt. Baldy a try today. I had originally wanted to bag 5 peaks on this trip (Harwood, Baldy, West Baldy, Dawson and Pine) but soon felt that this was a little too ambitious considering my physical conditioning! It was a bluebird day for sure with temps in the mid 70's.
I got an early start (6:10am from Torrance) and arrived at chair #1 at the Mt. Baldy ski resort at 7:30am. After buying my round trip ticket (this used to be a nominal fee but now costs $18 - talk about inflation!!), I started my journey for the day. There was a light breeze blowing most of the day so the sun was not too unbearable. I'm still not in my best hiking shape so I forgot just what an uphill adventure this was going to be! (2,993 ft. gain/loss) I marked my exit point from the trail (001 on the map) as I traversed up the scree slope of Mt. Harwood.
This wasn't that difficult to gain the top. After a quick break I headed back down and rejoined the main trail (002 on the map). It was an extremely busy day on the backbone trail with many people going up and down.
I reached the top before noon only to be greeted by hoards of hikers!! (My estimate was well over 50!)
I didn't stay too long and decided to have lunch on the top of West Baldy which I hadn't bagged before. Other than two other hikers I had the top to myself!
An amazing view with wonderful solitude and a light breeze. I left just after noon and made it back to the notch by 2pm. Here is a log of my travels:

07:45 am Mt. Baldy ski resort parking lot
08:09 am Baldy Notch
08:56 am Start of backbone of trail
09:55 am Mt. Harwood
11:06 am Mt. Baldy
11:41 am West Baldy
02:01 pm Baldy Notch

This was another amazing day of hiking in SoCal! The rest of the pics are here. :)
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Post by Bill »

Cool TR! 8) Thanks for sharing. Were you thinking of a round trip hike to Pine? That North trail is a tough one in either direction to or from Dawson! :shock: Be sure to bring enough water.
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