Baldy Loop Hike 5/30/09

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Richard N.
Posts: 91
Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:47 pm

Post by Richard N. »

I'm going to do a nice relaxing loop hike this Saturday from the Mt. Badly ski area parking lot.

My plan is to be in the lot by 6:00am and hike up to the notch under the ski lift. Head west to Harwood and then summit San Antonio. From the summit I'm heading down the ski hut trail and back to the fire road. Once on the fire road I'll go back up about 1/2 mile to the old service road that drops back into the upper parking lot for the ski area.

Not to many miles but enough for a nice workout.
My last time up via this route to the summit I was on top in just under 2 hours.
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