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Rescues, fires, weather, roads, trails, water, etc.
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Post by lilbitmo »

That remains to be seen. I've yet to see a study done on the effects of poverty in the 30's causing more suicides than any other decade.

Times are tough no doubt about it.

Food shortages are possible - anybody read Jared Diamond's books on the rise and fall of different civilizations?

One is "Collapse" and the other is "The Third Chipanzee"

Makes for some interesting repeats of history. If we don't pay attention to our resources we may use them up quicker than we can replace them and we all know what happens after that.

Simonov, I was only kidding you as I know you like your weapons.

No one should feel so alone that they take their own life :(

My heart goes out to the family :oops:
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Post by JMunaretto »

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Post by simonov »

What I mean is that while I do not believe we are headed into a second Depression (which was truly the most traumatic event in American history since the Civil War, it's hard for us looking back to understand how bad it really was for the average American), we are probably about to enter the worst economic collapse since the thirties, like nothing Americans under 70 years old have ever experienced.

And unlike Americans of the thirties, who were a pretty sturdy people used to the normal ups and downs of life experienced by everyone else around the world and throughout history, today's Americans regard continuous and expanding security and prosperity as their birthright. This has never been true of anyone at any point in history, and when the middle management and hairdressing and home construction and brokering jobs start disappearing, never to come back, I think Americans are in for a very rude awakening.

I think it will be more than many can take.

Remember, it's one thing to lose everything; it's quite another to be irretrievably underwater, which is where many, many Americans have been living for the last decade or two.

Sorry to be such a downer this very fine morning. Thinking about doing Baden-Powell on Saturday . . .
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Post by AW~ »

Endangered Local Frogs Get Another Year of Peace
http://laist.com/2008/12/23/mountain_ye ... _frogs.php
"Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts will still have to stay clear of a 1,000 acre area in the Angeles National Forest for another year, but for a good reason. The relatively small closure in the 655,000 acre forest is to protect a critical habitat for the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog"

Wrightwood:An after-Christmas crawl to the slopes
http://www.vvdailypress.com/news/highwa ... affic.html
"WRIGHTWOOD • Thousands of people converged into Wrightwood turning roads into virtual parking lots and forcing Mt. High officials to turn people away from the ski resort.
Roads in Wrightwood were at a dead stop due to holiday travel the day after Christmas, California Highway Patrol officials said"




crosspost from wrightwood forums re: Hwy 2 @ Vincent Gap
"Wanted to mention that the road is plowed up to the construction site so the workers can continue progress on the bridge..."

OT:What price fish?
http://www.malibutimes.com/articles/200 ... /news2.txt
"Some ask if it is prudent to spend millions of dollars on tearing down the Rindge Dam in order to reintroduce the steelhead trout to Malibu Creek when the country is facing an economic crises."

Incidents: website is intermittent...last updated till 12/21/08...several snow/traffic related ones.....
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Post by Taco »

BS... Glendora Ridge Road should be open. It's open much sooner in past years... maybe someone who works on roads can say what's up.
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Post by Taco »

GRR is still closed. I could barely see the road under the deep snow and thick ice. :roll: :lol:
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Post by AW~ »

12/28/2008 16:00 Illegal Bonfires Miscellaneous Switzer's Picnic area

or on camera!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/angelman_/ ... 813091422/

looks like 2008 ended with 10 snow related injuries over 2 days as well...
2 Back Injuries Medical Aid Mountain High East
Back Pain/Juvy Medical Aid Manker Flats Campground
Major Head Injury Medical Aid Mt. Waterman Ski Area
Missing Snowboarder Search & Rescue Mountain High
Unconscious person Medical Aid Manker Flat CG

and of course graffiti...featuring Inspiration Point of all places & Jackson Lake bathrooms.

Out of bounds at ski resorts can lead to danger
http://www.dailybulletin.com/ci_1133484 ... A4EF2.html
"With more than 4 feet of new snow coating the terrain at ski areas, firefighting and law enforcement officials are worried a similar scenario could play out again...."We rope off the outer perimeter and put up warning signs so that people literally have to lift up the rope to go out of bounds," said Mendy Olson, office manager at the Mt.Baldy ski area.Those who still insist on ducking under ropes will get their lift tickets yanked, Olson said"

Wrightwood residents split over winter tourism
http://www.vvdailypress.com/news/wright ... split.html

speaking of tourism for Wrightwood...
http://snowboarding.transworld.net/2008 ... y-15-2009/
Thursdays January 15, February 12, and March 12, 2009

Sierra frog's plight worsens, study finds
http://www.rgj.com/article/20090103/NEW ... /1321/news
but again..."Critics have long said the frog's survival is at risk from trout stocking in mountain lakes, a century-old practice taken over by the California Department of Fish and Game in 1945"...."But the recent study of lakes in Kings Canyon National Park's Dusy Basin suggests climate change could provide the nail in the coffin for the imperiled frog"

Water shortage again....
Test of snow pack shows some improvement in water supply
"about 83 percent of the CA average for this time of year......The Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster, which is responsible for managing groundwater in the Main San Gabriel Basin, has already asked cities to cut water demand by 20 percent....."

OT:A rare but nasty risk lurking in hot springs
"In April, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention assigned a team of scientists and physicians to study a recent spike in deaths caused by Naegleria fowleri, an amoeba found naturally in bodies of warm, fresh water, such as lakes and hot springs.....Three cases of Naegleria fowleri infection have been contracted at Fernandez's favorite hot spring, Deep Creek(San Bernadino Mtns), since 1971, according to the CDC. The U.S. Forest Service has since posted a sign near the pools, warning about the dangers of the amoeba infection.

OT:Conejo stewards of open space(ventura country rangers)
http://www.venturacountystar.com/news/2 ... _headlines

OT:Voice of Los Padres forest retires
http://www.santamariatimes.com/articles ... news06.txt
"She’s ending a 35-year career with the U.S. Forest Service that began, at the age of 20, as a forestry aide for the San Bernardino National Forest"
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Post by AW~ »

Dont list accidents anymore although that is the biggest occurence...misc news is just trying to highlight reported news....sometimes some old stuff thrown in as well, like reminiscing about Asuza canyon.... http://leblog.exuberance.com/2004/10/th ... _inn_.html
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Post by AW~ »

Water shortage(tired of hearing about it yet?)...
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Long-Beac ... 10818.html
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/env ... htm?csp=34

"including new predictions of dry La Nina conditions forming in the Pacific Ocean...."
""They get to scattering when they see us," said Department of Water and Power officer Alonzo Ballengar...The tough tactics began this summer after a voluntary conservation program yielded only a 4% drop in water use. Restrictions were expanded and penalties stiffened with the aim of seeing a 10% reduction"

Record-setting holiday season at Mountain High
http://www.vvdailypress.com/news/settin ... twood.html

another snowboading event too...
Cholula Triple Air Show Spices Up Mountain High
http://snowboarding.transworld.net/2009 ... tain-high/

Wilderness bill moves forward..
http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20090108/ ... b1842224_2

Auto crash on Big Tujunga road driving up toward ANF hwy
Crash victim remembered
responders were CHP&Montrose Search&Rescue

East Fork(SG River) always wins in battle with man
"Eldoradoville was the gem of the little-known gold fields on the East Fork of the San Gabriel River a few years after the gold discovery at Sutter's Mill in Northern California...Politics, and everything else, came to an abrupt end in mid-January 1862 as the East Fork exerted its power again, washing away Eldoradoville forever"

Just how much does brush clearance cost?
LBUSD using alternative camp site(Note: Hi Hill Outdoor School is one mile down a dirt road next to the north parking lot at RedBox)
"Since 2002, the district had to close Hi-Hill four times due to fire-related risks, Eftychiou said.
Over the last two years, the district has spent more than $200,000 on brush clearance at the site, Eftychiou said"
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Post by AW~ »

no news so some others....

2,650 miles, 37 miles per day, 71 days
http://www.sierrasun.com/article/200811 ... 9978/1059/
"Scott Williamson, right, and Joe Kisner, left, stand at the northern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail after breaking the trail's speed record for an unsupported hike"

Outdoor events planned for Big Bear

more and more internet sites started so I thought I would share another microsite....
Monrovia foothills
Example: http://www.mcphauntedhike.com/


Historical: Opids Camp, Sierra Madre rainiest place in the SGs
http://blogs.ktla.com/news_custom_eric/ ... st-pl.html
"The two dozen cabins of the camp cling to the steep hillside. The layout means that even in the heaviest downpours, there is little threat of flooding to the buildings because the water is channeled down the mountain. None of the mocha-colored wood cabins has suffered major flooding or leakage, though some lodgers have complained about ants looking for a dry sanctuary. Johnny Opid got it right."

Images of Big Horn Mine
http://www.deadpandistro.com/themidnigh ... +Horn+Mine

OT: Evidence Points to Weather in Pelican Deaths
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/16/us/16 ... tml?ref=us
"More than 400 endangered California brown pelicans have been found dead or dying since late December, with disoriented and starving birds turning up on highways, in backyards, and even in the Arizona desert"...cold weather in mid December as a reason.

Of course theres the ongoing water/snow or lack thereof news predominating.
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Post by AW~ »

Ski areas still going strong
"Ski areas in the San Bernardino and San Gabriel mountains are still going strong, despite the recent warm weather and faltering economy, local officials say"

2 people airlifted out of Angeles National Forest
"Two people whose car got stuck on the side of a mountain road were airlifted out of the Angeles National Forest today, authorities said.

The two were on Big Tujunga Canyon Road near the Angeles Forest Highway when their vehicle got stuck about 4:20 a.m., a dispatcher with the Los Angeles County Fire department said.

The two people had no injuries, but fire officials sent a helicopter to get them because of the difficult terrain in the area, the dispatcher said"

Motorcycle crashes increase in L.A. County
http://www.dailybulletin.com/ci_1146361 ... st_emailed
"Glendora Mountain Road, which travels from Glendora to Mt. Baldy Village in the Angeles National Forest, may be the area's most dangerous route"
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Post by AW~ »

Sierra Madre Search team will speak at meeting
"PASADENA - Members of the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team will share stories of "Survival and Rescue in the Mountains" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N. Altadena Drive"

Gunman Wanted In Angeles National Forest Shooting
http://cbs2.com/local/angeles.national. ... 17526.html
"The shooting occurred around 4:30 a.m. Sunday on Angeles Crest Highway, just north of Foothill Boulevard at mile marker 27.37....The man was standing outside a vehicle at a turnout when a silver sedan passed by and several shots were fired, striking the man in the lower back, Shepherd said. "It was a typical drive-by shooting, and we believe it was gang-related because it was unprovoked," .....

68-year-old climber conquers deadly mountain(Aconcagua)
http://www.ocregister.com/articles/leon ... hree-joyce
"Also, he trained for months by climbing nearby Mt. Baldy three days a week and cycling the San Gabriel River trail at least two days a week."

Hit the trail
http://www.gazette.com/articles/muscles ... iking.html
"We took to some trails in the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles with Keli Roberts, trainer and former Idea Health & Fitness Association international instructor of the year.
The exercises she demonstrated are perfectly suited to any basic hiking trail......"

Montrose flood roared through the Crescenta Valley as 1934 began
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... ?track=rss
"Reaching at least 20 feet in height, the Pickens Canyon flow picked up speed and fury, engulfing much of Montrose. Survivors told tales of a deafening roar, trembling buildings and giant boulders skimming across the mud like beach balls.

The Montrose flood, as the calamity soon came to be called, took at least 45 lives, destroyed about 100 homes and turned the little community into a mud-filled, barren landscape, said local historian Art Cobery, who has become an expert on the catastrophe and its aftermath."

OT:Outdoors notebook: Dogs vs. lions
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... rss.sports
"In the Bay Area foothills, why are lions showing up in people's backyards? "

No restitution due in Zaca Fire, judge says; prosecutors say they’ll appeal decision
http://www.syvnews.com/articles/2009/01 ... news04.txt
"Jose Jesus Cabrera, who was ultimately found solely culpable, and Santiago Iniguez Cervantes were reportedly grinding metal to repair a water pipeline on a Bell Canyon ranch when a spark from the operation ignited the giant wildfire that injured more than 40 people"

01/26/2009 11:35 Util 15 rock hit windshield - George's Gap

I missed posting also that a man got bit by a snake in Brand Park(Verdugo mountains) as covered by KTLA(perhaps still in video archive). He got some swelling but nothing on the extreme end...according to the video he thought he spotted a stick on the trail to pick up, but nope....it then covered a fire dept guy talking about the warm weather perhaps playing a part in more snakes.
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Post by AW~ »

Fire on Super Bowl Sunday shuts down La Tuna Canyon
http://www.crescentavalleyonline.com/ar ... 359286.txt
"Firefighters discovered an abandoned vehicle ablaze that lit surrounding brush. In all, 200 firefighters from the city and county of Los Angeles as well as Glendale, Burbank and Pasadena responded to the blaze which ended up igniting approximately 25 acres before being contained. An arson investigation has begun"

Ruling on Santa Ana River fish's habitat to be revisited
http://www.pe.com/localnews/rivcounty/s ... 5.html?npc
"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in a lawsuit settlement with environmental groups, will reconsider its conclusion that the river environment doesn't need federal protection to ensure the survival of the Santa Ana sucker, a fish threatened with extinction"

If they do find it needs federal protection, areas potentially affected(closed)would be the San Gabriel River & Big Tujunga river.

Orange County:The mystery above Black Star Canyon
http://www.ocregister.com/articles/beek ... and-family
"Nestled in a small grove of big pines high above Black Star Canyon in the Santa Ana Mountains is a series of stone walls that appears to have once been somebody's home.
A kitchen sink lies among the debris left by vandals, as if proclaiming the builder's rights"

Water shortage(many news items):
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... 4963.story
"California's farms and vineyards could vanish by the end of the century, and its major cities could be in jeopardy, if Americans do not act to slow the advance of global warming, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu said Tuesday.....'We're looking at a scenario where there's no more agriculture in California'"

Bone-dry Bolinas - barometer for state?
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... 15MGLA.DTL
"But as California copes with what state officials fear could be the worst drought in 150 years, Bolinas' isolation has pushed its water system to the edge......People don't understand how bad this is going to get," Quinn said..."

Water Woes Worsen
"Turn off that faucet or the "water police" may be doing it for you in the not so distant future.....Now the snow pack is half that at 62%. What does this mean to you? Simple, more than 90% of the water that comes out of your faucet comes from either Northern California via the aqueduct or from the Colorado River, which is in even worse shape."

From 50 to 80 percent of all water used in Southern California is used on landscaping.
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Post by AW~ »

2/17 Huge Rockslide East Fork Road before Cattle Canyon Bridge
&several injuries during last few days

road closures:
Angeles Forest Hwy
Upper Big Tujunga Cyn Rd
Mt Wilson Red Box Rd

Drought over? Not so fast....
http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20 ... 6&tc=yahoo

"Lake Mendocino on Monday morning had 33,975 acre-feet of water, which is critically dry. Last year at this time, it had 73,486 acre-feet.
The lake gained 3,495 acre-feet of water in the past week, but would need to gain 1,200 acre-feet a day just to get upgraded to "dry."

2/12:Stranded L.A. County snowboarder rescued
http://www.cbs47.tv/news/state/story/St ... px?rss=154
"Triche called 911 Wednesday around 5 p.m. after being caught in whiteout conditions. He told the operator he was near a sign that read Devil's Backbone and was told to stay there until rescuers arrived.....
A grateful Triche told rescuers he had "underestimated the mountain."

Firefighters rescue hiker from woods
"The man was rescued at 10:05 a.m. Monday from a cliff in the west San Fernando Valley after authorities hiked 30 minutes to reach him, said d'Lisa Davies, Los Angeles Fire Department spokeswoman"

A chance to play in the snow can be motorists' nightmare
http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stor ... b.html?npc
"Now vehicles that block lanes may be towed. An officer patrolling during December's storms impounded nine in one afternoon.
But getting a tow truck up the mountain and positioning it to remove a vehicle can further slow traffic.
"We do everything possible to keep this road open and flowing," Osegueda said.
"But I can move five cars, turn around and there'll be seven more in the spot I just came from."

Wilderness label would protect Magic Mountain (the other one)
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... ?track=rss
"The peak in the Angeles National Forest, a former Nike missile site with sweeping views, is part of 750,000 acres in California the national Omnibus Public Land act would set aside....."

wilderness value..."From Magic Mountain's 4,500-foot peak it's possible to watch traffic back up on the 210 Freeway, see the distant downtown skyline and observe planes descending into Burbank Airport over the Simi Hills. When conditions are right, Santa Catalina Island glistens in the distance.

The still-present missile pads are the reason for the mountain's road, which is littered with reminders of how some people choose to recreate on public lands. At one spot, two bowling trophies are blown to bits by the side of the road. The ground nearby is littered with shell casings."

Matthew Dye receives Eagle Scout honors
"For his Eagle project, he decided to restore the Ontario Peak Trail in the San Gabriel Mountains.

He led a team of 12 volunteers in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service in working more than 450 hours planning and executing the removal of about 40 fallen trees from the trail.

The undertaking required the use of pack mules to carry supplies and two-man lumberjack saws."

Historical:Pioneer was 'splendid citizen'
"...For years, Stoddard engaged in freighting and carrying mail between San Bernardino and Salt Lake City. In fact, the hardworking adventurer delivered mail across the desolate and often ruthless Mojave Desert 24 times, his last trip occurring in 1858"
"...Leaving Salt Lake in 1849, Sheldon joined 30 other men bound for the Mother Lode country in Northern California. After traveling for a while with a larger company who hired Capt. Jefferson Hunt to guide them to Los Angeles over the old Spanish Trail, they left the caravan near Mountain Meadows. Turning west at what was thought to be a short cut to the gold fields, Stoddard and company blindly followed a bogus trail for the next 17 days without a guide, compass or map.

On the 18th day, hopelessly lost and facing death without water, their lives were miraculously spared when a sudden rain squall drenched the area. As Sheldon recalled years later, "We caught the water by spreading out our rubber blankets on the ground and drank it with a spoon." "
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Post by AW~ »

Man found after getting lost in mountains
http://www.dailybulletin.com/ci_1175677 ... ost_viewed
video: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?secti ... le-6671368
"RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A 19-year-old man lost for nearly 24 hours was found safe but exhausted Saturday afternoon.....He was located by a sheriff's helicopter and hoisted into the aircraft from Day Canyon area of Mt. Baldy, Stewart said.....He said he was lost with no food and was not dressed for the cold weather. ....Aerial and ground teams spent the night searching for him. They spotted him Saturday in Day Canyon and air lifted him out of the wilderness. "

Vehicle Overturns in Angeles Nat'l Forest(Big T road@AFH), 2 Hurt
"ALTADENA -- Two people were rescued this morning after their vehicle overturned at the edge of a mountain highway in the Angeles National Forest."....only listed this one for the helicopter video view at 1:25 into the video.

Wilderness bill seeks to protect portion of San Gabriel Mountains
"The measure is part of a massive omnibus bill of public lands-related legislation that the House is expected to vote on in the coming weeks. The Senate approved the omnibus last month."

"The precarious state of the latter caused officials to close down a portion of the area to hikers and rock climbers to prevent them trampling the endangered amphibians...." rock climbers are not trampling frogs errggg...who keeps on feeding the media this?

Grant helps park service
http://www.theacorn.com/news/2009/0219/ ... y/006.html
"The National Park Service recently was awarded a $2.6 million federal grant to build a visitor center at King Gillette Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains...."

A heightened profile for one of L.A.'s black pioneers
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... ?track=rss
"Early settlers in the Agoura area named Negrohead Mountain after John Ballard, a former slave who moved there in the 1880s. Now L.A. County wants to put Ballard's actual name on the 2,031-foot peak"

Parking Fees for Hikers Could Increase at Wilacre Park/Fryman Canyon
http://laist.com/2009/02/22/parking_fee ... ilacre.php
"Tomorrow morning, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the Santa Monica Mountains Advisory Committee will vote on raising the price back to $3 to keep prices consistent with other parks in the system, but also to increase funding for maintenance of the park "

Note: This hike also goes by the name of 'rainforest' and is located near Studio City.

Winter unveils Southern California's wonders
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... ?track=rss

3 photos of mtns...
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Post by Ze Hiker »

the Pleasant View ridge and surrounding area is great. i'm all for protecting that
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Post by Zach »

that's funny, i was in the adjacent canyon (Deer Canyon) the same day that guy got lost... how in the hell do you get lost back there? Up is bad, down is good... plus you have the ENTIRE IE as a frame of reference from almost any ridge. ugh, the stupidity of some people!!
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Post by Taco »

"The precarious state of the latter caused officials to close down a portion of the area to hikers and rock climbers to prevent them trampling the endangered amphibians...."


As a climber, I find it necessary to crush as many amphibians as possible.
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Post by AW~ »

Another microsite....


for all your Baldy area SAR and links to twitter,etc....

New hiking, biking trail to open Saturday
"The half-mile Descanso Trail, which officially opens Saturday, goes above Descanso Gardens.....The trail is just a short segment away from connecting to the city's loop trail on the north side of the Foothhill (210)Freeway, which also connects to trails in Pasadena....The entire city loop trail goes somewhere between 12 and 15 miles, Strapazon estimates....Going to the highest points of the loop requires heading up steep trails out of the city boundaries and into the Angeles National Forest"

Input sought on Angeles Forest grant application
"Angeles National Forest officials will submit a cooperative grant application to the state of California Off-highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division for 2009/2010 "Green Sticker" grants and are seeking public comment on the application.
Comments must be received between March 3 and April 6, officials said."

More water news:
"CSCFI(http://downsizeca.org/) will utilize an initiative ballot measure to divide the state

that and another ballot asking for $15 billion in water related issues.
This is getting a lot of traction.....
http://www.fresnobee.com/local/story/1226116.html "Valley Latinos gain ground in California water battle"

OT: Repairing highways
"Slide solution proves to be a rocky road"
http://www.uniondemocrat.com/http://www ... rocky-road
"Attempts to permanently repair Highway 140 near Yosemite, washed over in rubble following a massive 2006 rockslide, remain buried in bureaucracy and debates about potential environmental impacts......Thirty-eight organizations — including environmental groups, area businesses, and local, state and federal government agencies — have weighed in on, and some say delayed, repairs, which Caltrans hopes to finish by 2012...There currently are eight options for restoring the highway. The price tags range from $18 million, for simple bridges side-stepping the slide and spanning the Merced River twice, to $250 million to bore a tunnel beneath the slide, to $378 million(bold added) to bore through the mountainside, creating a tunnel around the slide."

Flashback: "Think Tank Proposes $3 Billion 'Toll Tunnel' Link with Palmdale"
http://labusinessjournal.com/enews_arti ... aID2=83853
"Citing a growing crisis in public funding for transportation projects, a local free-market think tank Thursday proposed building a $3 billion “toll tunnel” through the San Gabriel Mountains connecting Glendale and Palmdale
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Post by AW~ »

Had a post ready and then my internet went on the blink :?

Nothing major anyway....unless you live on the Santa Clarita side and there are helicopters buzzing all day so workers can stand on the skid and install a transmission line.

The two items I found the most interesting:
Skateboarding GMR?!(GMR=Glendora Mountain Road)
source: http://www.pashnit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21380

another was www.parkscore.org
this one is about finding public space near you, but you can click on the areas and find the median income in that area.
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Post by Taco »

When they close GMR on certain holidays, or for work, downhill boarders and luge guys hit it up bigtime. My Brother in law goes up there sometimes, gets some roadrash. :lol:
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Post by AW~ »

Thanks Taco, I can certainly see "roadrash" could happen to that guy as well, but the risk is part of the experience. Sheepishly says has done similar stuff :roll:

Yes, that’s a wall of ice(Montorse SAR)
http://www.crescentavalleyonline.com/ar ... ce0306.txt
"In their continuing effort to train for every possible emergency response imaginable, Montrose Search and Rescue team members recently climbed a wall of ice.

The team members went to Lee Vining Canyon, near Tioga Pass and Yosemite National Park. The average temperatures range in February from 43 degrees in the day and 20 degrees at night....About two years ago we used it to access a [woman] whose hiking companion had fallen to his death in the Angeles National Forest. She was clinging to a tree,” he said. “We were able to get to her in minutes. [Search and rescue member] Robert [Sheedy] lowered me to her and then to Angeles Crest below.”

Girl Scout disputes Caltrans findings
http://www.lacanadaonline.com/articles/ ... st0305.txt
"When asked about the possibility of Caltrans providing runaway truck medians and signage(Angeles Crest Highway@Los Angeles), for other drivers who become lost or somehow manage to be on that route, Failing said, “I’m not spending money there. That isn’t something we need to be concerned with, with the limited number of dollars we have.”....U.S. Forest Ranger John Rivera also told Mailes, “trucks do in fact leave the 14, and go over the Crest, especially when the 14 or the 210 freeways are blocked.”

Speaking of limited dollars & Hwy39 ? :wink:

Incidents: several..there was one news about a death from going over the side on the ACH but very little info....

http://urbanhomestead.org/journal/2009/ ... s-that-23/
Arroyo Seco..how many times have you seen goats on the trail?
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Post by AlanK »

AW wrote:Girl Scout disputes Caltrans findings
http://www.lacanadaonline.com/articles/ ... st0305.txt
"When asked about the possibility of Caltrans providing runaway truck medians and signage(Angeles Crest Highway@Los Angeles), for other drivers who become lost or somehow manage to be on that route, Failing said, “I’m not spending money there. That isn’t something we need to be concerned with, with the limited number of dollars we have.”....U.S. Forest Ranger John Rivera also told Mailes, “trucks do in fact leave the 14, and go over the Crest, especially when the 14 or the 210 freeways are blocked.”
The 14 and 210 were "wide open" the day the truck nearly took out the Hill Street Cafe (see article). By coincidence, I was meeting some out of town visitors there for breakfast but got turned back by the police.

Yeah, the Girl Scout is right -- trucks go over the Crest.
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Post by Ze Hiker »

“It’s staggering to realize that one of our young members of the community can come up with such an excellent report, as opposed to what Caltrans reported,” Spence said.

look what happens when someone actually goes out and researches something instead of just making assumptions!
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Post by AW~ »

Body, Car Found in Canyon(only update from earlier news)
http://pasadenanow.com/news/2009/03/08/ ... in-canyon/
"According to Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Lt. John Kades, the incident is under investigation and the death was initially being investigated as a suicide.
Lt. Greg Sisneros of the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station said the car is thought belong to a man reported missing Sunday, but cannot be confirmed as yet."

also on the dark news side was Lytle Creek: a shooting & attempted rape(not linked)
Lost drivers on the way to Vegas shoot each other in Fontana
http://blogs.pe.com/news/digest/2009/03 ... o-veg.html
"The group pulled off Interstate 15 at Sierra Avenue to buy some snacks at a gas station, Decker said...The gunfire erupted about 1 a.m. near Lytle Creek and Duncan Canyon Roads."

Unrecognizably Different(Switzer Falls, Stuervant)
http://www.world-of-waterfalls.com/cali ... erent.html
Just to bring up collecting fees :lol:

Lois Henry: Can't see the forest for the fees
"Barsch(Free our Forests) fought for three years against the fees, even getting cited seven times for handing out information to forest visitors. Last year, he watched as legislation to repeal the fees didn’t even make it to the House floor.

Microsite:The Mt. Wilson Toll Road Informer
http://mtwilsontollroad.swcamborne.com/ ... ion-begins
"Great News! Reconstruction of the Toll Road across the big slide has begun....He(contractor) thought that the job could be finished by the Summer"

Extracting water from the desert with a solar still
http://www.pasadenaweekly.com/cms/story ... _way/6960/
"On a recent wilderness training field trip in the nearby Big Tujunga Wash, students learned another relatively modern method for obtaining water from the desert called the solar still....Our class spent about 30 minutes preparing the site and setting up the still. We returned about three hours later to find about a half-cup of distilled water"

New Program Helps Veterans Become Wildland Firefighters
http://www.fs.fed.us/fstoday/090306/03. ... erans.html
"More veterans(military) will be hired as Forest Service firefighters if a Southern Research Station program manager has his way....."

Image of rescued owl at Devils Punchbowl
http://palosverdesdailyphoto.blogspot.c ... h-los.html

showed up on a news scan for the San Gabriel River. Presentation(HUGE :shock: ) of the watershed & latest newsletter online. I actually did go through some of that presentation, but found some of the material to be playing the race card...anyways its basically the same argument as before...but I recall reading that about 250 people attended representing just about everyone from the forest service to you name it.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

AW wrote:Extracting water from the desert with a solar still
http://www.pasadenaweekly.com/cms/story ... _way/6960/
"On a recent wilderness training field trip in the nearby Big Tujunga Wash, students learned another relatively modern method for obtaining water from the desert called the solar still....Our class spent about 30 minutes preparing the site and setting up the still. We returned about three hours later to find about a half-cup of distilled water"
Solar stills are in every survival book, but they probably shouldn't be. Generally, you'll sweat more water out of your body while building it than you will recover from the still. Case in point: The whole class works for half an hour, and three hours later they have 1/2 cup of water. Even if you could recover more water from the still than you exuded while making the still, the amount recovered will typically not be sufficient for your survival needs (depending on the season and climate). One half cup every three hours isn't going to do much for a class, and the still will not necessarily keep producing at that rate; the vegetation placed inside will dry out.

The transpiration bag mentioned later in the article is a better option, particularly if you can set up several of them. However, you do need to carry around large, clear plastic bags with you, which most people don't.

The real survival technique is to make sure you either carry enough water with you or plan your trips around reliable water sources. Most water procurement methods* won't do much for you.


*The exception being the water procurement devices on life boats. When you're in the ocean, you actually have a reliable water source, you just have to render it potable.
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Post by AW~ »

3rd Mountain Lion Sighting Puts Glendale On Alert(I would add thus begins the hysteria?)
http://cbs2.com/local/Lion.Sightings.Gl ... 57537.html
"The mountain lion, which was spotted Tuesday, was reportedly sunning itself on the pool deck of a home near the Glendale Sports Complex, adjacent to the Glendale 2 Freeway"

Wilderness bill comes to a halt
"The Senate passed this highly popular bill in January on a 73 to 21 vote. House members voted 244-182 in favor of the bill – two votes short of a needed two-thirds majority.
The problem: Peterson helped hold this noncontroversial bill hostage to amendments being pushed by the National Rifle Association. Specifically, the bipartisan Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (Senate Bill 22) was held up because the NRA wanted to attach an amendment that would create a law allowing concealed, loaded weapons in national parks

Rescue Crews Hoist Man from Ravine in Angeles National Forest
"Air and ground crews worked Friday morning to rescue a driver whose car plummeted off Angeles Crest Highway into a ravine.
The accident was reported shortly before 7 a.m. just before the first turnout on the highway, near mile marker 30.10.
Approximately 46 rescue personnel were on the scene...."

Ski area to hold grass-roots contest(this Saturday March 14th MtBaldy)
http://www.dailybulletin.com/news/ci_11 ... source=rss
"The event originated as an end-of-the-year rail jam, held at the ski area, north of Upland, by LaFonzo "Snowdogg" Carter, a local snowboarder and photographer for the Daily Bulletin.

AC -100 season

other:So, You Want to Run 100 miles?
http://highaltitude.wordpress.com/2009/ ... o-run-100/
"Generally, it’s necessary to get your weekly running mileage up to a minimum of 65-75 miles about five or six weeks before the 100...."

A lot of water news....but for an update on splitting up California...
Most Californians oppose splitting state, poll finds
http://www.pe.com/localnews/politics/st ... bc6ae.html
"A Field Poll released today shows that just 19 percent of voters want to break California into north and south states. Seventy-one percent think that's a bad idea.

Opposition is even greater to the idea of splitting the state into inland and coastal halves. Eighty-two percent of voters disapprove of that proposal, including 80 percent of voters from the state's inland region."

some birds:
http://www.kiwifoto.com/blog/2009/03/09 ... pe-valley/
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Post by AW~ »

Add one more Baldy tr from sierradescents:
http://www.sierradescents.com/skiing/20 ... -dare.html
"Baldy’s north face can be pure, death-ride ice, so be very cautious if you’re thinking about skiing it."

Archives from Sierradescents:
http://www.sierradescents.com/skiing/20 ... owell.html
http://www.sierradescents.com/skiing/20 ... -bowl.html

MtnHigh(a lot of injuries this year):
http://snowboard-mag.com/content/sunny- ... date-34742

Work underway to reopen Mt. Wilson Toll Road
http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci ... source=rss
"Johnson said crews are excavating 12 feet below the historic 100-year-old road - originally a track widened to get the 100-inch Mt. Wilson telescope up to the observatory. They will build it back up in compacted layers, he said, using wire-mesh baskets specially designed to hold the soil.
The baskets will be stacked five-deep in separate layers as a foundation for the compacted road bed, Johnson said. "

http://yubanet.com/california/Endangere ... unshot.php


speaking of guiding....historical link
http://blogs.4wdandsportutility.com/644 ... index.html
"As to Louie Newcomb himself, the man knew the Angeles high country very well, and spent much time exploring, hunting, and building trails in the San Gabriel mountains. At one point, he built a trail and tried to charge tolls to anyone using his trail. Fee collection proved difficult, if not impossible. Saying "That don't pay wages, so I had to quit it," Louie went on to other sources of income."

historical photo from the 1930s: MtGleason

OT: "Spindrift is Not Your Friend"
http://rambling.rebeccabond.com/2009/02 ... ng_27.html
blog entry about snow camping with the Sierra Club

crosspost re: Hwy2 reopening from wrightwoodforums(Surfer_Dude)
"Letter I just received:
Thank you for contacting the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 7.

The bridge construction project on Angeles Crest Highway is anticipated to complete in March.

However, the Highway is routinely closed during the winter months due to snow and other inclement weather conditions. Angeles Crest Highway will re-open in the spring or summer, depending on the severity and length of winter weather, and weather related conditions impacting the Highway.

Please advise me if you wish to receive email notification of SR-2 re-opening.

Public Affairs"
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Post by Taco »

Thanks for the updates as always, AW.
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Post by bertfivesix »

http://hikerhell.blogspot.com/2009/03/c ... rrito.html
A man fell to his death and another was injured while rock climbing at Joshua Tree National National Park in Twentynine Palms on Sunday.

Curtis Woodrow Stark II, 67, of Riverside was climbing the Great Burrito rock formation near the Hidden Valley Nature Trail about 4:40 p.m. when he fell about 100 feet, according tocq Joseph Zarki, a National Park Service spokesman.

Stark, an experienced climber, was not wearing a helmet and died of head injuries, Zarki said.

He was pronounced dead at the scene at 5 p.m., according to the Riverside County Coroner’s Office.

His climbing companion, Alfred Kuok, 44, of Claremont, was taken Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs with back pain, broken ribs and possibly internal injuries, Zarki said.

The Great Burrito is about 150 to 200 feet tall.

“It’s a pretty vertical piece of rock,” Zarki said.

According to the National Park Service, Stark was the lead climber. He became dehydrated, started losing strength and began to descend.

“During the descent he lost his grip and fell,” Zarki said.

In the fall, Stark knocked Kuok off the rock.

“They were essentially in a free fall,” Zarki said.

Some of the hardware protection they put into the rock — bolts and clips fastened into rock crevices — did not hold.

“The first person (Stark) continued to fall,” to the ground, Zarki said.

But Kuok didn’t fall because other hardware protection held.

Two firemen from the Joshua Tree area who had been climbing nearby helped rescue Kuok.

Four park rangers and nine Joshua Tree Search and Rescue volunteers also responded.

A San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department helicopter airlifted Kuok to the hospital.
Me, heme11 and another friend were on Thin Wall, just across from Great Burrito. Heard what sounded like rockfall...obviously didn't turn out to be the case. Heard screams for help, saw Kuok dangling halfway up. Along with some other climbers and hikers, scrambled to get Rangers/SAR, etc. Major props to the climber who led up an adjacent route and set up an anchor to lower the injured climber (Kuok).

Strange, though...there was a rope going from the ground, to the top of the wall, then back to Kuok's last position. Doesn't look like what you'd expect from a lead fall and failed gear/belay anchor. Looks more like a rap accident, or maybe something got fouled up when bailing off the route. But, I don't really know what I'm talking about, so..

Reading some other forums/articles...deceased is "Woody" Stark, J-Tree pioneer, Supertopo regular.
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