Islip Saddle to Little Jimmy Camp

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by calicokid »

Went to check out little jimmy camp ground early morning today. It was a little breezy in early morning. Thin crust ice cover but metling fast at the sun rise. About a foot of snow on the trail to the camp. At camp there were place with more than 2 feet of snow on north face slope. Nice day on the snow(or what left)

Here is some pictures:

On the trail

Tis looks eerie

Looking to the dessert north

And ofcourse the sign
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Post by brian90620 »

Nice trip report and pics 8) , and thanks for letting us know the current conditions up to the camp. It sucks that the snow is melting so fast, my gf and I plan to go snow camping at Little Jimmy as soon as some new snow falls so we can try snowshoeing up there. Actually I should say "If some new snow falls!!!!", you never know with these extreme drought conditions that seem to never end..........
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Dudley Heinsbergen
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Post by Dudley Heinsbergen »

i heard scientist moved the summer solstice up to january this year.....

it needs to znow!
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Post by EnFuego »

I think it has something to do with the 26 degree shift in the earth's axis. Image
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Post by Rumpled »

calicokid wrote:
Tis looks eerie
Call me stupid, but what are those things?
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Post by calicokid »

I believe those are the wood-burning stoves as I saw at Little Jimmy trail camp and Hogee camp grounds. They must be popular in the old days of camping. I would try to use it next time if I camp there. Perhaps, if it is permit.
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Post by calicokid »

DamOTclese wrote:What was the condition of the trails that you hiked on? Were there trees down across the trail or rock/dirt slides that you had to go around? (Photographs and GPS coordinates of trail problems would be neat!) :)
The condition of the trails to the camp were mostly snow covered with a few spots of mud and dirt; the trail is in excellent shape. I only saw one set of snowshoe track and my boot/crampon track on the second half of the trail leading to camp.
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