I would like to say it was a great trip......Ah, what the hell, it was an awesome trip. Alex and I wanted to make this trip a practice for anchors, belaying, running belays, etc.
We donned our crampons in the parking lot and with loaded packs, and enough gear to protect both sides of the mountain, we started up Big Butch Wash at 6:00am
Ryan leading the way:

Lookingback at Baldy at first light:

Getting close to steep section, we check our gear and ready ourselves for the assault:

Looking up into the couloir:

Me and Ryan looking up for a quick pic:

Looking down at what we just came up, dodging rockfall the entire way:

Alex - just behind the rockoutcrop, rocks raining down everywhere:

Alex leading first pitch:

Ryan soloing route:

Don't know what this is:

Alex at top of first pitch, before I take the lead and send second pitch:

Looking down to Alex after my lead:

Alex and Ryan after 30 minutes rescue of Ryan:

Not knowing what happened, Ryan gets belayed down to my stance:

Ryan arrives at my belay:

BAM!!!! Lightning Strikes. Son of a gun was hit by a nice size rock. Possible compound fracture:

Looking down at what we need to lower Ryan down:

Self portrait:

Ryans hand at second belay down:

Alex coming down from his belay on self made snow bollard:

Ryan at 2nd or 3rd belay, trying to get food and water in him:

Hero of the day:

Some of our gear anchored in snow/ice:

After 5 rappels, slope is gentle enough to walk down:

Paramedics (and Ryan) in parking lot:

Crazy Arse pilot giving everyone airshow on way down:

It took over 4 hours to get Ryan down 5 full pitches. This was definately a learning experience for everyone. We learned a lot of techniques, and most impotantly, how assist fellow climber in need.
At time of this post, Ryan is in Emergency Room. Ryan - I hope everything is well. Best wishes brother. If not, you can always take up flat land hiking.

Alex - you were awesome. I'll climb with you anytime. OK, OK - Ryan I'll climb with you too.