Chalk Canyon (?): 03-05-2011

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by HikeUp »

Chalk Canyon?

I've unofficially named this canyon after a nearby peak (also unofficially named). The Sierra Club HPS has designated high point 6089 as Chalk Peak. It is located along the North Fork Lytle Creek. "Chalk Canyon" sorta of wraps around the west side of Chalk Peak and climbs up towards some spectacular cliffs located below high point 7465.

ACME map.

I hiked up the canyon to a point ("B") at approximately 5500' that has clear views of the cliffs. I believe if I had continued up the canyon the views would have been blocked by the canyon walls and trees. Plus there was more and more snow, snow melt, and rock fall the further up I went (not in the mood for being cold, wet and a target).

Parked in a turnout ("A") just down stream from the shooting range, crossed the currently dry creek bed and found my way through a bit of brush to the wide open bottom of Chalk Cyn. From there it was easy sailing up stream. Once I hit snow there was water in the stream and I tried to avoid walking on the snow because it was a pain in the arse with all the random postholing.

The camera doesn't do justice to the beauty of the cliffs.


Cliff view...

A fire started as I was heading back to my car. It was near the entrance to the shooting range, but I don't know if it was on the range. Started off as white smoke then went to dark thick black smoke. By the time I got to my car several fire engines were heading up...
Lytle Creek Road (3N06) was closed at the shooting range.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Interesting stuff! I haven't been over in that neck of the woods a lot except for the (beautiful) Middle Fork of Lytle Creek.

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Post by lesper4 »

Nice report. I am hoping to to Ice house to Lytle creek this summer and staying overnight on top of Cucamonga peak.
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Post by AW~ »

Looks similar to the cliffs that you did that other explore on from the middle fork Lytle? Looks like a fun day, except for the terrain had too much snow.
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Post by HikeUp »

Yes AW, it is on the other side of the main ridge separating the two forks of Lytle Creek. On that first explore I was actually trying to gain access to the top of the cliffs in this explore. Both canyons are probably very easily done from the bottom up by talented canyoneers. Cool scenery would be the reward at the very least. LOL @ too much snow!
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