Three cold nights at Kelly Camp, Memorial Day Weekend 2012

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by jfr »

OK, maybe it was one really cold night followed by two fairly cold nights. But it sure was cold that first night, on Saturday evening. The Mt Baldy Village weather station reported a low of 37 degrees (at 4100 feet elevation) so it was probably about 12-15 degrees lower up at Kelly Camp at ~7800 feet. I'm just glad we didn't hike in on Friday night when it was even colder. So much for the traditional first weekend of summer!

We'd just bought a new Big Agnes King Solomon +15 degree F double goose down sleeping bag, so we didn't cancel the trip. We figured that it would be a good test of the new bag! And it was a test, all right.

Anyway, the trip began Saturday morning when we hiked up Icehouse Canyon, and it was cold and clear initially. Not many cars in the parking lot at dawn that day. The hike in the lower canyon was beautiful, as usual, and we saw rime ice high on the trees to the north, on Telegraph Peak. Very Pretty.



As the hike progressed, so did the cloud cover. It began in the west, and we could see it filling the canyon down near Mt Baldy Village. Soon it began pouring in from the north, over the top of the ridge below Telegraph Peak, clouds and fog blowing by, obscuring the sun. And the air was COLD when the clouds rolled past. But we were OK. We had thermals and fleece and gloves and wool hats on, as well as our goretex rain gear over all. We felt the cold, but were fine as long as we kept moving. There were day-hikers passing us wearing only shorts, but you can't fix stupid, so we shook our heads and trudged on. By the time we got to Icehouse Saddle we were in the clouds continuously, wisps blowing past. The day-hikers immediately turned around and practically ran back down the trail, trying to keep from freezing. Generally speaking, it was much more fun to see this misty flow happening than to feel it.


Video of clouds blowing up Icehouse Canyon


We got to Kelly Camp, set up the tent, and got inside. I blew up the pads and deployed the new sleeping bag. Then we changed out of our sweaty clothes and got inside the bag. My wife was asleep instantly. I read my kindle for a while, then fell asleep. Time for a nap! We'd woken up at one AM and left San Diego at 2:30, so we deserved it.


A couple of hours later we woke up and decided that we shouldn't really spend the next sixteen hours in bed, so we got up and took a hike up to the ridge above camp, between Bighorn and Ontario Peaks. Lots more clouds were blowing by. Some of the trees on the ridge had ice on them, but it was melting and falling off in small pieces. Every so often the clouds would clear and we'd be in the warm sun, or we'd see Baldy for a moment, but then the clouds would close back in. Pretty cool weather. But we didn't stay out for long. We got back, cooked dinner, had some hot chocolate that didn't stay hot anywhere near long enough, then snuck back to the sleeping bag. Like the groundhog, we poked our heads out another time just before sunset, and the weather had cleared up completely. Nice and clear and sunny. But cold. And the night was destined to be colder still.





The wife and I put on most of our clothes and snuggled tight inside that fluffy down bag, and we survived OK. We were a bit chilly in spots, but we slept fine. If it had been much colder we would have been in trouble. We must be what they call "cold" sleepers, meaning that the ratings on the sleeping bags don't work for us. That they lie, in other words. I'm not sure if they have a rating for the "cuddle" factor, either.

We stayed inside the tent Sunday morning longer than usual. It was cold! I refused to get up until I saw the sun actually shining on the wall of the tent. And even then it was cold out. My wife was hungry, so she'd already made food, and when I crawled out I had nothing but cold chocolate. I deserved it, I suppose.

We decided to hike at least two of the three "T's" that day. And we did. The sky was clear and the sun began warming the air pretty well, although it never got much above the fifties that day. It was weather like the Sierra(s) in summer, where it's hot in the sun but you freeze in the shade. Good hiking weather, in other words.




Video of the most useless sign in the wilderness, on the saddle between Timber and Telegraph.



We climbed over the shoulder of Timber and reached the summit of Telegraph Peak by noon. The lid of the beautiful stainless steel summit register was broken off at the hinges, but that didn't stop me from putting a few eispiraten stickers inside. We had lunch there, and met a couple of parties of hikers, including several Boy Scouts who were also camping at Kelly Camp. There was little wind on the summit and we relaxed there for a while.


Telegraph Peak Panorama Video



The scouts continued on to summit the final "T", Thunder Mountain, but my wife and I didn't feel like it. Telegraph Peak is great; the other would only be an anti-climax. Still, that didn't stop us from climbing to the summit of Timber Mountain on the way back. I stuck a bunch of Eispiraten Stickers inside the register and we continued on back to camp. The scouts arrived just after the sun had set. They didn't make much noise after that - they were exhausted.



Monday morning dawned much warmer still. I had taken Tuesday off from work making this a four-day trip, so that day, when everyone else was packing to go home, we went off on another day-hike. This time we hiked up to the ridge above camp, then headed left to bag Bighorn Peak. On the way up we noticed VERY fresh tracks of what we hoped were bighorn sheep. Some fresh scat on the trail confirmed it, since the scat differed from that of deer. We climbed up as silently as possible, but the breeze didn't help us. We were heading downwind, and I knew that the sheep would sense us. And we found nothing but the same old plastic register on the summit. I put some more stickers inside, and we headed on over the top.





We decided to hike cross-country down the ridge to the saddle between Bighorn and Cucamonga Peaks. It was steep in places, but there was an obvious use trail, complete with mini-switchbacks.



Then we began the real set of switchbacks on the main Cucamonga Peak Trail. On the way up I noticed that there was still a tiny patch of snow in the couloir, so I headed off across the scree and grabbed some snow for my wife. She likes to put it in her hat to keep her head cool.



There were several groups up on the peak enjoying the view. There's a new summit sign on top, but I didn't find the register. The old one must have been taken away by some unpleasant person who revels in spoiling the fun of others. So my pack of stickers remained undistributed. My wife took yet another nap and I read my kindle high above the world. It was a nice day to be on top of a mountain.





We descended the switchbacks to the saddle, then decided to take the main trail back to Icehouse Saddle; we'd hike all the way around Bighorn Peak without the additional energy output of going directly over the top. Sometimes longer is better. And it was a good thing we did, because we finally found those elusive Bighorn Sheep grazing just above the trail on the way back! There were four of them, but I only got pictures of three. They stood their ground, I took a bunch of rapid photos, and we hiked on, leaving them alone to be wild.




We were excited. Seeing Bighorns is a rare thing at any time. And seeing them on a mountain named Bighorn Peak seemed even better! The entire way back to camp my wife kept hiking along while looking uphill to the left. She kept hoping to find more (or the same) sheep on that mountain. She's lucky she didn't trip on a loose rock. But there were no more.


That last night, Monday night, we had Kelly camp all to ourselves. At dusk, we saw a doe come down and drink some water in a pool below the spring. The normal wildlife was out now that the mad influx of humanity was over. And the temperature was much nicer; we barely needed any clothes at all in that fluffy warm sleeping bag. But any additional details will not be divulged; this is a family trip report!

The next morning we woke up at the crack of dawn and proceeded to pack up everything. We headed out of camp before seven. We had a plan. On the way down we decided to take the longer Chapman Trail back to the car, a trail we'd never taken before.




The Chapman Trail stays high up along the north slope of Icehouse Canyon, giving fine views all along the way. But if you are scared of heights, or hate walking on trails cut from the side of a steep scree slope, then this trail might not be for you. Just the same, it sure was pretty.




Along the way we passed through the Cedar Glen Campsite, and found the stream just below it to be small, but running nicely. It looked like a nice enough camp, but I wasn't sure if we'd ever stay there. It's hard to compete with Kelly Camp for pure excellence.


Video of the stream flowing below Cedar Glen Campground


Eventually, all hikes and camping trips must come to an end, and the final hike through lower Icehouse Canyon was a nice way to end it, with pretty cabins and a briskly flowing stream. We got to the parking lot in the early afternoon, and it was finally hot out. We'd been sweating the last few hours. Summer had finally arrived.





Topo Map of the hike:

For full-size, readable topo map click here

Acme Mapper topo of the hike, with various peaks, trailheads, and campsites marked.

Even more pictures and videos on my Flickr Page, if you could possibly look at any more...

NOTE: The posting of this trip report was insisted upon by HikeUp. If it was too long, take your complaints to HIM. :)
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Post by HikeUp »

LOL. If anyone complains they'll be banned!

Wow what a great way to spend a few days in the mountains.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice trip, jfr. Like that area, and Kellys Camp is a good one. I've actually stayed at Cedar Glen, which is nice. I came up on a Friday after work and got there around dark. Couldn't have made Kellys Camp by dark.


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Post by yobtaf »

Very nice!
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Post by Elwood »

Excellent report and pictures! What fun y'all must have had.
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Post by JeffH »

Nice story and pics.
I was there the same weekend - stayed at Cedar Glen on Friday and Kelly's Camp on Saturday. Yes it was cold! I had two cups of hot chocolate on Sunday morning while sitting in the sun....
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Post by jfr »

HikeUp: Banning complainers sounds like a great idea, but would we have any posters left? :lol: :lol: Yeah, I guess we would; this is a (fairly) civilized board...

HJ: Cedar Glen seemed nice, and it's a good way to get to Kelly Camp for those who can't handle the full grueling 2800 foot ascent in one shot. My wife and I have been keeping in shape, and she just barely made it; she was completely exhausted on arrival. Cedar Glen is about halfway, elevation-wise, to Kelly Camp. And the water there looked tasty!

Yobtaf: See above, but you might want to put this hike/destination off until you know your wife likes backpacking more. You'd be out in the sun on that last stretch up to Cedar Glen, which could be unpleasant, but then again, the hike in Icehouse Canyon is gorgeous.

Elwood: I think we managed to cover about as much ground in four days as you do in one of your day-hikes! :lol:

JeffH: I saw your trip report the other day, and I was trying to figure out which tent you were in. We were up on the slope near the back of camp. I think that I was still sleeping (i.e. hiding in my sleeping bag) Sunday morning when you left.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Cedar Glen's main attraction to me was that it was close enough to the trailhead that I could get there before dark after work on a Friday. Need to get over to Kelly one of these days; haven't stayed there.

Nearby Comanche Camp (other side of Icehouse Saddle) is probably my favorite camp in all of the San Gabriels. Love that entire area.

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Post by JeffH »

+1 on Cedar Glen for a Friday evening, I did the same...

Nice spot, Jim.

jfr, this was my spot at Kelly's. Path to the water is along that log to the left.
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours".
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