small Side Dorr canyon explore from the bottom 11/25

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by AW~ »

Headed up Dorr canyon from the Big Rock Creek road. Huge wash..plenty of loose rocks. OK, the Manzanita trail on the topo is has nothing to do with Dorr "canyon". The eastern side of the trail is barely east of it, outside of the canyon. The topo as I look at it suggests you hike up the canyon and ascend the eastern wall to go east....lies.

Anyways, once in the canyon there was water. I scrambled up to elevation 6000...where Side Dorr canyon comes in. From there up the canyon it was basically walking on top of a really nice drop in a canyon that was completely covered with rocks, so there were no waterfalls or anything.

As far as Dorr canyon, there were some obstacles that I scrambled. Pretty place, but nothing of significance. A near constant steep droping drainage. A couple of the cascades were basically waterfalls that had holds here or there...I think one of em required holding all your weight on one downside hand while moving down and to the sure was easier going up!

Cell phone pics :(

End of Side Dorr looking down into Dorr

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