Got Kids? Kids to Park Day and BabyBjorn

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BabyBjörn has asked me to run a giveaway to help promote Kids to Parks Day (May 21 2016). The giveaway item is a baby carrier geared towards outdoorsy parents called the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier One Outdoors.

My wife and I have been using our carrier for the last week and we have been impressed. More use is needed before I can form my final opinion, but to date, I think this is the best all around carrier we’ve owned. It’s geared towards outdoorsy parents, but it is very useful whenever you want to keep your hands free and need to carry your child.

Without the use of a child carrier over the last few years, I wouldn't have been able to train as much as I did for my big hikes (whitney) and backpacking trips (High Sierra Trail). Plus both of our sons really enjoy being outside with mom and dad. :D

Here's a link to my "First Look" review of the carrier, as well as info on the giveaway if you would like to enter:

BabyBjörn Baby Carrier One Outdoors: First Look & Gear Giveaway!
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